Wieuca Road Church Rezoning
The Wieuca Road Church (formerly known as the Wieuca Road Baptist Church) is located at Wieuca and Peachtree roads. The church plans to rezone the property and sell some of its property for development. The NBCA Zoning Committee conducted an extensive public input and review process of the rezoning request. At its August 16 meeting, the NBCA Zoning Committee voted to recommend approval of the Wieuca Road Church rezoning subject to a Conditions List and a revised site plan. These documents are available below, along with a summary of the process followed by the NBCA Zoning Committee: Memo to NPU-B Board explaining NBCA recommendation: 210906 Memo to NPU-B Board w Attachments.pdf August 16 transmittal of recommendations to NPU-B: 210816 Wieuca Church Zoning Package to NPU-B.pdf Aug 16 Conditions List: 210816 Wieuca Church Rezoning Conditions List.pdf Aug 16 Site Plan: 210816 Wieuca Church Rezoning Site Plan 1.pdf NBCA Zoning Committee Review Process: NBCA Zoning Review Process 2.pdf
Status Following the NBCA review, the rezoning request then went to the Neighborhood Planning Unit - B (NPU-B) for further review. The NPU-B Zoning Committee and the NPU-B Board each approved the project subject to NBCA's Conditions List and the revised site plan on August 31 and September 7 respectively. Next, the request went to the Zoning Review Board (ZRB), the Atlanta City Council Zoning Committee, and the Atlanta City Council, all of which approved the project subject to the NBCA's Condition List. Mayor Bottoms vetoed the City Council's action, but the City Council overruled the Mayor's veto. 3630 Peachtree Residential Condominium Association, Inc has filed a lawsuit to stop the rezoning.
Background Information Below are documents that will help with a better understanding of what is being proposed for this property:
Wieuca Road Church Rezoning Traffic Study FINAL DRI Submittal for Greenstone Mixed-Use Development at Peachtree-Wieuca DRI #33832.pdf
Originally Proposed Site Plan: 210601 Z1-00 ZONING SITE PLAN 5-28-2021 FILED 2.pdf
Rezoning Application Applicant Checklist 210528 Rezoning Application Z-21-055 - 3626 Peachtree Road (STAMPED RECEIVED 5-28-2021).pdf
Atlanta Business Chronicle Article 210701 Wieuca Church Development - ABC Article 1.pdf
Tree Replacement Plan 210601 L0-10 ZONING TREE REPLACEMENT PLAN 5-28-2021 FILED 1.pdf
Meeting Recordings: July 8th Meeting: https://youtu.be/lZTQNf28JuY July 19th Meeting: https://youtu.be/ckk1FrH1psw August 2 Traffic Study Meeting Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUPayjWe-k8