In This Issue...
- NBCA Annual Meeting
- Prepping Planting Beds
- Woman's History Month
- St. Patrick's Day Activities
- PS Notes - Take a Look!
2021 NBCA Annual Meeting on March 23 at 6:30PM
Please plan to attend the 2021 NBCA Annual Meeting scheduled for March 23 at 6:30 PM via Zoom.
The program will include:
> Updates on many North Buckhead livability improvement projects, including PATH400, bike lanes, a new gateway for North Buckhead, and Streets Alive!
> Financial Report
> Election of NBCA Board Members
> Revisions to the NBCA Bylaws
> Q&A with the Board
All NBCA members in good standing are welcome to attend. To be in good standing, please join or renew by March 23 at 5:00 PM.
The meeting will be held via Zoom. We will send Zoom information prior to the meeting.
Voting will be online beginning immediately after the conclusion of the Annual Meeting and continuing through March 26. All members in good standing on March 23 at 5:00 PM will receive an email with voting information.
We look forward to seeing you at the NBCA Annual Meeting!
Prepping and Preparing Your Garden Part1: Siting Written by: Patricia Stern
So, you have decided that you will finally realize your lifelong dream to grow that giant red tomato, that fabulous cut flower garden, that Tuscan chef-worthy herb garden, or that cool and alluring shade garden. Now is the perfect time to dream and dream BIG! If not now, when? If not you, who? You CAN grow the flower, vegetable, herb or shade garden of your dreams and you can do it this year! Get jazzed, it’s spring practically!
Start by filling in the blanks here. “This year I want to grow (insert name of your most passionate plant desire) just like my (insert name of grandmother, neighbor, annoying sibling, etc whose garden you have always coveted) did.” Your personal horticultural mission statement is where your gardening obsession begins.
Okay, you’re all in. Now, how? Most important, be optimistic and enthusiastic and dream big: the cost of failure is usually some sweat equity and a few plants or seeds. That said, try and realistically assess how much time you want to devote to your garden; i.e. if you leave town for two months every summer you may want to plant things that produce late summer or early fall and maybe ask a neighbor to water if it doesn’t rain.
Click here to learn more about Prepping and Preparing Your Garden
Women's History Month
Women’s History Month honors and celebrates the struggles and achievements of American women throughout the history of the United States. American women have struggled throughout our history to gain rights not simply for themselves but for many other underrepresented and disenfranchised groups in America.
Women’s History Month had its origins in 1981 when Congress passed a public law which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week". As requested by Congress, President Reagan issued Presidential Proclamation 4903 proclaiming the week beginning on March 7, 1982 as the first "Women’s History Week" and recognizing the vital role of women in American history.
Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as "Women’s History Week" and authorizing the President to issue a proclamation to inform the country of this recognition and urge the people to study the contributions of women to U.S. history. In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed another law which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” This law requested the President to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate activities and ceremonies. President Reagan then issued Presidential Proclamation 5619 proclaiming March 1987 as "Women’s History Month" and calling upon all Americans to mark the month with observances to honor the achievements of American women. Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month.
Click here to learn more about Women's History Month and activities in Atlanta to celebrate Women's achievements
St Patrick's Day Activities
St. Patrick's Day is Wednesday March 17th, with activities planned between Saturday March 12th through the 17th. There are many festivities planned in Atlanta for this Irish holiday. See the links below for all of the fun options for this especially "green" holiday.