January 17, 2021

COVID Vaccine Resources


 Dear ,

The State of Georgia has recently expanded the list of groups eligible to receive the COVID vaccine to include people 65 years of age and older. However, it's frustrating trying to find locations that offer the vaccine and obtaining an appointment.  We want to relay information about getting the vaccine as soon as we hear of it.  Below are web links for vaccination appointments that we have heard about so far. This information is also on the home page of the NBCA website and we will update it as we get more information. Please let us know of any other vaccination sources and we will post this information right away.  Just send an email to: [email protected]

Please note:  Currently, appointments to receive the vaccine fill up extremely quickly, usually within minutes of becoming available.  We all hope that vaccination capacity will expand greatly and quickly, making obtaining an appointment easier.  In the meantime, check these links several times a day to see if new appointments have been released.

Emory Healthcare (current patients only)

Fulton County



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North Buckhead Civic Association
A 501(c)(4) non-profit Georgia corporation
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