March 8, 2021
Zoning and Land Use Committee Announcement
One Emma Lane
Dear ,
The NBCA Zoning and Land Use Committee was scheduled to hear a rezoning request for One Emma Lane on March 15 at 6:30 PM. However, the developer formally notified NBCA today that it has withdrawn its application to rezone this parcel. Therefore, the NBCA Zoning Committee meeting for March 15th is cancelled.
Please be aware that the effort to develop this important piece of property is not over. Based on the existing R-3 zoning, a new developer is permitted "by right," with no zoning review required, to build at least eleven homes on this property and not set aside any greenspace. A developer must simply conform to existing R-3 zoning standards. NBCA will seek to engage with any new developer to work toward a quality development that protects the character of the neighborhood and also protects a substantial amount of greenspace for the benefit of the adjoining Blue Heron Nature Preserve.
NBCA will issue further updates on this parcel in the near future.
Thank you for your interest in this important issue for North Buckhead.
NBCA Communications Committee

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