November 6, 2020
Help NBCA Grow!
And Win $1,000,000!
Dear ,
Just kidding about the $1,000,000. Hey, NBCA is just a non-profit, all-volunteer civic association trying to get by on $50 dues. Where are we going to get that kind of money?
But NBCA is rich in people and enthusiasm and is already 600 members strong. Our goal is 1,000 members so that we can do even more to keep North Buckhead moving forward.
We are asking every member to help NBCA grow. And it's easy to help. Please just send the attachment to this email to a few friends and neighbors and ask them to join. The attachment is a one-pager with information about NBCA and about how to sign up. You can forward this email with the attachment, send your own email with the attachment, or print and hand out.
Your goal? Get 3 other households to join.
And who wouldn't want to join? Annual dues are only $50 per year. Plus NBCA leverages this modest fee for great impact - lobbying for neighborhood improvements, providing frequent communications, building community, improving public safety, and representing North Buckhead with local leaders.
Thank you!
Robert Patterson
NBCA President
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